Saturday February 11th 12-1:30 and 2-4pm
Workshop and Hafla by Audie!!!
What an exciting day we've planned!
12-1:30PM How to Choreograph a Solo Routine with Audie
Whether you do Cabaret, Fusion, Folkloric or Modern we all have the same dilemma.
What do you do when you've found that perfect piece of music that you are eager to dance to but you're not sure how. In this workshop Audie will explain how to listen to music, expressing emotion, taking stock of your dance vocabulary and taking apart a song to build choreography. After this class Students will be able to develop inspired, fun and unique choreography to any dance.
2-4PM Luv to Shimmy Showcase Hafla - Everyone is invited
Location: The Little Theatre at Bloomfield Public Li...brary Broad St Bloomfield, NJ
Price: $10 (no fee for performers who've also attended the workshop) $5 for performers not taking the workshop.
For more info about the workshop or if you'd like to perform, please pm Audie or call (973)280-6386.
12-1:30PM How to Choreograph a Solo Routine with Audie
Whether you do Cabaret, Fusion, Folkloric or Modern we all have the same dilemma.
What do you do when you've found that perfect piece of music that you are eager to dance to but you're not sure how. In this workshop Audie will explain how to listen to music, expressing emotion, taking stock of your dance vocabulary and taking apart a song to build choreography. After this class Students will be able to develop inspired, fun and unique choreography to any dance.
2-4PM Luv to Shimmy Showcase Hafla - Everyone is invited
Location: The Little Theatre at Bloomfield Public Li...brary Broad St Bloomfield, NJ
Price: $10 (no fee for performers who've also attended the workshop) $5 for performers not taking the workshop.
For more info about the workshop or if you'd like to perform, please pm Audie or call (973)280-6386.
Sunday February 12th 2pm
LOVE Hafla
With so many parts of the world being torn by war, violence, conflict, love and compassion are of vital importance. The change in the world truly starts with us and the energy our hearts generate, be it through dance, movement, words, thoughts, or any other action. Please join our LOVE Hafla at Sol Dance Center on February 12, 2017 at 2pm in celebration of love � in all its forms and expressions.
Location: Sol Dance Center, Astoria NY
Cover: $15
Please note that we will be collecting donations of clothing for children in the NYC shelter system. 70% of homeless New Yorkers are families with children and they need our help. Please NEW items to contribute. The items can include: Diapers, wipes, clothing for babies, toddlers, children, etc. The donations will be in support of https://winnyc.org/
Sunday February 12th 11-1 PM
Aszmara Events & Classes
these times, we need more than ever to connect with our music mind body..
Master Class with Aszmara ~ First
Saturday’s of the Month February to June
Sat ~ Feb 4, 2017 ~ 3:00 - 6:00 pm
Fast Chiftitelli Veil
Pre-Registered one week prior to Master Class $55 at the Door
with Aszmara via facebook or Aszmara@Aszmara.com
Pre-Register - Workshop Size Limited to 15 Participants
Master Classes:March 4th ~ Karshilima Thrilling Zilling
April 1rst ~ No Fooling!
May 6th ~ Trance in the Dance
September 15-17, 2017
the beautiful Wainwright House Rye, NY
& Party on the Long Island Sound
Wednesday February 22nd 8pm
Bellydance Night at The Fez (Stamford)
with Tava
reservations strongly advised
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